Why do I think anyone can sew? Well for one thing because I can. Come on, I'm impatient, somewhat dyslexic, have a short attention span and get angry when I can't do something. But I realized the other day that none of that matters. If you want to learn to do something, do it.
My 8 year old daughter has been sewing for two years. She started with this quilt. It was the same way my Mother started me out. Hand stitching with a big needle. She even cut her own fabric. I'll save this forever!
As she got a bit older I introduced her to the sewing machine. Today's machines are awesome. This one has three speeds and so of course I set it on the slowest speed and off she went.
Here is one of her recent projects. Her lines are getting straighter and she is becoming more confident. Now she is constantly asking me what we can make next. So...next on the list is a design of her own. I have software from Wild Ginger that allows us to put the design together and draft the pattern to her measurements. You'll have to come back to see that creation. I'm telling you, sewing is fun!
I'll try to keep this blog moving at a rapid pace so we can keep the momentum going. I'm not only going to help you learn the easy way to sew but also what patterns are easiest to sew, which fabrics work best, and other things to bring out the joy of the craft. There are so many awesome other blogs out there so often times I will just send you to their tutorials. The internet has got to be one of the best things ever invented (well besides "Moms Night Out"). I have learned so much and I want to help you learn it too.
Just remember, there are no stupid questions. Send me anything you are wanting to learn and I'll find a way to help! Man I'm excited!
Never heard of Wild Ginger...I have got to check this out! Thanks for the tip. Oh, and nice job Megan!