Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring/Summer Wardrobe

Thank you banking system, thank you Wall Street, thank you self-serving politicians...I won't be buying a new Spring or Summer wardrobe this year. Nope, with a house worth 25% less than we paid for it 9 years ago, the all mighty dollar is going into savings - not my closet.

Never fear! I will not be brought down by the external forces of suckiness. No! God gave me a talent and I will use it for a new wardrobe. Will I buy a ton of new fabric? No! (although I did buy some for about 5 dresses but it was all heavily discounted fabric) Will I steal it? No! That's not a very Christian talent.

Instead, I am going to rework, recylcle, upcycle and alter my current clothes into something new. Follow along as I turn the old into new again. I'll try to post every couple of days. If you see something you like and would like me to do the same, give a holler. I can do the same for you.

Here is our starting batch:

See you soon and when I do it will be with "new" clothes!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My daughter in her birthday suit...ur...I mean dress.

Well, I haven't done any smocking yet but I did take a pretty good stab at children's wear. Used a little imagination and came up with this:

I already had the little girl, I just put a dress on her. ha, ha, ha. And then she gave me this:

Yes, the "Aren't I a precious little angel?" look. Only it really wasn't a question, more of a statement. But that's okay because her look took the words right out of my mouth.

Gonna do some recyling next. Sha, this ought to be good!