Well, I finished the lopsided dress. Ya, that was fun. It's not a dress anymore. In fact, it was almost stuffing for my dog bed. Some days are just not made for sewing. That day, every stitch I took seemed to lead to a problem. I should have just packed it away and started again later. But nooo...I couldn't let the bad vibes win. So, here is the result...
Pretty bad huh? ha, ha, ha, ha, just kidding!
After repeated struggles to make the previous alterations go away, I finally gave up. That seamstress even cut the darts and you can't put back what ain't there. So, I cut. Well, first it went in the scrap bin but then being the recycler (cheapo) that I am, I gave it one more try. A skirt. Of course I screwed up one more time by accidentally catching the hem in the serger while finishing a seam. That meant I had to re-sew the hem. Again it went in the bin. And again I fished it out.